domingo, maio 24, 2009


I got my head checked
By a jumbo jet
It wasnt easy
But nothing is, no

When I feel heavy metal
And Im pins and Im needles
Well I lie and Im easy
All of the time but Im never sure when I need you
Pleased to meet you

I got my head done
When I was young
Its not my problem
Its not my problem

When I feel heavy metal
And Im pins and Im needles
Well I lie and Im easy
All of the time but Im never sure when I need you
Pleased to meet you

Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah

esta musica deixa saudades dos tempos passados

2 comentários:

♥ Guida disse...

Ah, ficaste nostálgico com o anúncio não sei do quê que passa na televisão :P


Dexter disse...

Uma das melhores músicas de sempre. Qdo oiço isso apetece-me partir tudo n sei pk :p